
Monday, October 29, 2012

Medal Of Honor Warfighter - Repack

MEDAL OF HONOR WARFIGHTER - BLACKBOX Hello Guys! Since everyone trying to find the black box repack of this game so.. Here it is^^ heheAnd anyway, KaOs won't repack this game :p  so i suggest you all download this one^^Okay, Here's the download link.. Each Part Consist Of 900MB Size^^Download...

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Need For Speed Most Wanted 2012

NFS : MOST WANTED - 2012 - Repack - KaOsDo you got what it takes in Need For Speed Most Wanted? You all will have the freedom to drive anywhere :D discover hidden places, take down rivals and bla bla bla.. :pWell it's look really really cooler then the previous version of this game.. so? what's the...

Friday, October 26, 2012

Sniper Elite V2

SNIPER ELITE V2 - REPACK - KaOsSince there's a huge request the repack of this huge sized game.. So, here it is^^ The repack version of Sniper Elite V2 :D And it's repacked by KaOs.. So the size is only 1GB :D how cool!Install Notes :ExtractUnrar Or Run "Install.exe"Run ~unpack.bat~ to start InstallationRun...

Thursday, October 25, 2012


DEADLIGHT - FLT - Repack - KaOsThere's no new begining.. No Hope, This is the begining.. Of the end.Well sounds cool right? :p hehe.. anyway, since this game is sidescrolling, it's like shank+limbo's son XD lol..Well look at the pic.. Cool right? yeaah i do must admit it's cooler than shank, limbo,...

Monday, October 22, 2012

Saint Rows The Third

SAINT ROWS THE THIRD - REPACKNote : I've Included 19 DLC Too :DTitle says it all^^ The legendary Saint Rows now available :D And of course.. With extra +19DLC , how greatt XD hehe.. But yeah, it's lagging in my Laptop so i've uninstalled it :p hehe..But yeah.. every game has its unique characterstics...

Friday, October 19, 2012

Medal Of Honor Warfighter

MEDAL OF HONOR WARFIGHTER - LIMITED EDITIONOkay.. i don't know what to talk about this game, it's just, AMAZING!! The release date should be 3 days from now.. but yeah, you could download it now :D^ See the differences between the previous Medal Of Honor? Yeah you know why? Because now it's Frosbite...

Doom 3 BFG Edition

DOOM 3 BFG EDITION - BLACK BOX Well sorry for not updating any game for 2 day XD Or maybe more :p hehe Here it is^^ The legendary Doom, with BFG Edition, well i don't know where i can find any change log or differences between this and the old Doom 3 :pSee the pic? Yeah i don't even know any...

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Free Download Full Version PC Games Action Games Compressed

                                          GTA Vice City Stories                                    ...